With a preventative program, you can save money while saving your employee's lives.
Sometimes we wait for a disaster, and become reactive verses proactive. And I feel like RestoreResilience helps me be proactive about my wellness. I have finally found myself and my happy place again.”
– Nike, RestoreResilience Memberof your employees experienced at least one mental health challenge over the past year.1
of your employees missed work days can be attributed to mental health conditions.2
of your employees currently have depression and anxiety.3
shorter lifespan for your employees with depression.4
of your employees want to be provided with more information about mental health benefits and resources.5
of your employees would stay at your company because you provide robust mental health benefits.6
I now feel self-love and don’t put myself down anymore, which is something I really struggled with in the past. My family and friends have noticed the peace and happiness in my voice. I am the healthiest mentally that I’ve ever been!”
- Rennie, RestoreResilience Member